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First Time Try Me

New to massage? Or just want to try a different – better – massage therapist?

All massage therapists are not created equal; one trial is all it’ll take to convince them never to go anywhere else! Get ready to relax completely! This special is good for Therapeutic Massage, Deep Tissue + Thai, and Thai Massage only. You can even use it with every therapist you’ve not tried before!

Please note that this offer is for Bay Area Residents only, and your ID is required at the time of checkout. It cannot be combined with other deals, promotions, or expired vouchers for cash value.


 60 mins.. $118 (Reg. $139)  75 mins.. $148 (Reg. $173)  90 mins ..$177 (Reg. $208)

Foot Massage

Ever thought about the volume of stress our feet go through every day? I don’t think there’s any part of the body that’s more abused than your feet. Walking, running, jogging, and standing – our feet is probably our greatest support! This is why we need to show it some love.  

Reflexology is the process whereby appropriate pressure is applied to specific points and areas on the feet – because overall health begins in your feet and travels up. Its benefits are endless – not to mention it feels downright great! 

Massage techniques combine acupressure, thumb or finger walking, and a wood stick with massage oil or lotion. 


Start with a "Foot soak" Soak your feet in herb-scented water. Then enjoy your reflexology session. 


45 mins/$105  60 mins/$139



Office Syndrome Relief

Office Syndrome is typically found in office workers who spend many hours in front of a computer screen. The pain can also be attributed to poor posture, prolonged sitting, and sitting in an inappropriate position. Over time, the muscles become contracted and result in muscle tightness and pain.


Common causes of Office Syndrome include:

  • Sitting for an extended period of time without taking a break

  • Poor posture and sitting in an inappropriate position

  • Inadequate height of the table or the position of the computer and keyboard


Office Syndrome symptoms often start gradually. Left untreated, the symptoms can become more serious over time. The most common symptoms include:

  • Headaches

  • Neck, shoulder and back pain

  • Numbness or tingling in the feet, arms, wrists or hands

  • Eyestrain


30 mins/$65   45mins/$105  60 mins/139

Massage for Migraine

These types of headaches are still somewhat mysterious. They are believed to be caused by neck alignment, chemical/hormonal changes, neurological problems, vascular problems, environmental irritants, food sensitivities, and/or blood sugar regulation. Migraines can be very severe and can last up to several days. These headaches do usually come with some sensitivities, such as sensitivity to light, sound, and nausea/vomiting.


Both tension headaches and migraines have been effectively treated by massage therapy. Not only can massage help relieve headache pain, but it can also help to prevent headaches from occurring. 


30 mins/$65   45mins/$105  60 mins/139



Pregnancy Massage

All expectant moms deserve this blissful treatment! 

Designed specifically for the pregnant mom-to-be, our relaxing pregnancy massage is carried out while she is in a side-lying position to ensure relaxation and comfort. We focus on areas of discomfort and tension with soothing strokes that provide relief and bring on the ultimate relaxation. 

Our therapeutic bodywork for expectant mothers eases the physical discomforts of pregnancy through rhythmic and skillful strokes. It’ll safely and effectively melt tension in the upper shoulders, lower back, hips, and feet to make the journey to childbirth a lot more comfortable. 

Our pregnancy massage is ideal for new mothers any time after the first trimester, all the way until the day of birth. 

Please consult with your physician before your session. 


​60 mins/$139  75mins/$173  90mins/$208


Deep Tissue + Thai Massage

Rejuvenate Your Mind and Body 

Get rid of body pains and improve your health with our total body relaxing therapeutic massage. It’ll reduce fatigue, improve blood circulation, balance your attitude, boost your energy, release chronic tension and tight muscles and create a sense of deep relaxation for your soul. 

Breathe in our Homemade Essential Aromatherapy oils and feel the calm come over you. Our Therapeutic session is a blend of various massage techniques such as Swedish, Deep Tissue, Trigger point, Shiatsu, Hot stone therapy, and Thai massage. It also includes some stretching with light to deep pressure. Sessions can be customized to meet your specific needs.  


60 mins/$139  75 mins/$173  90 mins/$208 120 mins/$278

Therapeutic Massage

Rejuvenate Your Mind and Body 

Get rid of body pains and improve your health with our total body relaxing therapeutic massage. It’ll reduce fatigue, improve blood circulation, balance your attitude, boost your energy, release chronic tension and tight muscles and create a sense of deep relaxation for your soul. 

Breathe in our Homemade Essential Aromatherapy oils and feel the calm come over you. Our Therapeutic session is a blend of various massage techniques such as Swedish, Deep Tissue, Trigger point, Shiatsu, Hot stone therapy, and Thai massage. It also includes some stretching with light to deep pressure. Sessions can be customized to meet your specific needs.  


60 mins/$139  75 mins/$177  90 mins/$208 120 mins/$278


Thai Massage

Like Yoga – But Without Any Work

Thai massage is more energizing and rigorous than more classic forms of massage. Thai massage is also called Thai yoga massage because the therapist uses his or her hands, knees, legs, and feet to move you into a series of yoga-like stretches. Many people say Thai massage is like doing yoga without any work. Muscle compression, joint mobilization, and acupressure are also used during treatment. People describe Thai massage as both relaxing and energizing.


We perform Thai Massage on a massage table and provide you with loose/comfortable clothing to change into a more relaxing experience.


​60 mins/$139  75 mins/$173  90 mins/$208 120 mins/$278

Essential Aromatherapy Massage

Enjoy a Decadent, Soul Lifting Massage 

Experience the ancient art of massage that combines touch with the smell to uplift the soul and heal the body. During this massage, essential oils are used in an effective but gentle massage to induce relaxation, increase energy and reduce stress. 

With soothing massage oils and medium, light to firm intensity strokes, your muscles will be eased into a relaxed state that’ll leave you feeling rejuvenated. 

​We have four unique oil blends for you to choose from for your Aromatherapy massage session.


"We have four unique oil blends for you to choose from for your Aromatherapy massage session."


 Calm -

 A peaceful medley that encourages deep breathing and calm. The balanced notes fight off anxiety, stress, and depression while re-inviting a sense of peace.

Calm is a tranquil blend of  Lavender, Brazilian Orange, Geranium, Chamomile, Sweet Marjoram, and Patchouli. 


Stress relief -

A calming blend with citrusy notes helps decrease anxiety, depression, and stress. The bright aroma invites ease, relief, and breath for those looking for a little less strain in their day. 

Stress relief is a balanced mixture of   Blood Orange, Rosemary, Peppermint, Chamomile, Patchouli, Ylang Ylang, and Sandalwood.


Refresh -

An immunity-enhancing blend that restores and refreshes the body, soul, and mind. Especially effective when life feels a little stuck, Immunity helps restore energy and promotes wellness.

Refresh is a stimulating blend of Orange, Lemon, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Rosemary,  Frankincense, and Tea Tree. 

Breathe -

A restorative blend is made to promote circulation within the respiratory system so you can refreshingly inhale. Its antiseptic qualities revitalize and soothe the breathing passageways while promoting calm and ease. Breathe Easier has both a warming and cooling effect on the body while strengthening the immune system and allowing each careful exhale to come naturally.

Breathe is a healing mixture of Eucalyptus, Lemon, Peppermint, Rosemary, Clove, and Lavender.


60 mins/$139  75 mins/$173  90 mins/$208




After pregnancy, a Postpartum Massage can help increase circulation

so that the body can effectively process excess fluid and restore balance. This will also help to relax muscles and lower stress hormones, bringing both physical and emotional relief and an overall sense of healing to your body. Taking time for a little self-care allows you to be present for the ever-changing adventures of motherhood. 


​60 mins/$139  75 mins/$175  90 mins/$1210



Postpartum Massage

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